Service Console and Case Management with Salesforce Lightning

5 min read

Would you like to try something new and truly amazing? Of course you would! How about the Salesforce Service Console in Lightning Experience, now available in the Spring ’17 Release? I can feel your excitement. So, let’s start!

The new Lightning Service Console is designed to be extremely useful for case management and deflection.

The Salesforce team has brought the best of Lightning to the Service Console, making it easier to provide a great customer experience.

The key points of the Lightning Service console are:

New Workspace – it can be defined as a collection of primary tabs and subtabs. This is your main working area.

Utility Bar – a place where you can have access to your global applications in a click.

Service Console also comes with a superb Lightning User Experience.

Lightning Case Management

Salesforce has redesigned the entire Case Feed for more effective case management. You’ll find it now offers a new and redefined way to see all your cases in just one place.

Lightning App Builder is a new and improved way to build page layouts in Lightning Service Console. Dragging and dropping layouts and adding components have become easier than ever. You will also have new Lightning Components to test this feature – Lookup and Related List.

Knowledge and Social

What’s new in Lightning Knowledge?

  • Simplified Data Model: Instead of using article types, you will now use knowledge record types. It is a fundamental change, allowing you to take advantage of many standard features that come with standard objects in Salesforce.
  • Platform Aligned Features (feature enhancements).
  • Redesigned User Experience: very flexible and configurable.

One thing to remember about Lightning Knowledge is that once you’ve migrated to it, you can’t turn back to the Classic version.

Social Customer Service

Lightning Case Feed and Publisher

You will get a completely redesigned look and feel for the actions and the feed items, when you’re in the Console.

Social Persona and Post Record Home

These are new features that allow you to view details on individual objects and see the related lists for those objects.

Social Post List Views

List views that allow you to manage social posts and bulk edits more easily.

Facebook Review Support

You can take any review from your Facebook page, bring it to the case, so that you can see it, analyse it and then respond to it.

In general, Lightning Service Console is another step forward towards an even better user experience and more powerful functionality in the Salesforce platform. Many more new features are coming with the next releases and we can’t wait to test them all.

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