We Stand With Ukraine!

2 min read

Ukrainians heroically defend their homes and fight for freedom for 50 days now. They are united and motivated as ever. Sitting and waiting until the end of the war is far from being Ukrainian. We believe that actions speak louder than words. 

Therefore, Advanced Communities actively supports the Army of Ukraine on multiple fronts. Since the beginning of the war, we have donated more than $ 63,000.

Also, two of our best developers have recently joined the Army of Ukraine and are сurrently defending our Homeland. Thanks to them, we have the opportunity to wake up every morning and continue working on our projects.

The rest of our team is helping on the informational front. We are concerned about Russian propaganda currently promoted in huge volumes by Russian state media poisoning people’s minds all over the world. Recently we’ve started to work on products that will help fight against it. So, we are pleased to announce our support for the Poland Reporters Foundation, which stands for freedom of speech and pure journalism in the post-soviet area.

We do our best to support Ukrainians in their fight for an independent and peaceful future! 

Glory to Ukraine!  Slava Ukraini!

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