AC Events Enterprise Updates

5 min read

Despite the hard times that most of our team is going through, we continue to work on our products. And this time we’ve prepared major updates for our AC Events Enterprise, the most comprehensive app for event management on the Salesforce platform.

Let’s dive deeper and explore three new features that we’ve added to improve your experience!

Agenda Builder

Using this feature, registered event participants may register for the event session, select which sessions to attend, and download and print the attendance schedule to avoid missing any intriguing sessions during the event.

AC Events Enterprise Agenda

Event Budget & Event Expenses

You can define the budget by specific categories (catering, marketing, etc.). Then all these values will be gathered into the general event budget. 

You can also add separate expenses to the category. For example: bought bread -> catering -> 10$. Then these expenses will be grouped into categories and then to the general event expenses. So you can use this data to estimate the financial effectiveness of the event, ROI, CPA, Cost per Lead, and other values. 

Create Demo Event Button

Deploying Test Events With a Click on the Settings page

We made up this feature to simplify demo events creation. After you’ve installed the package it’s enough to just click the button on the Settings page and Zone, three events, different pricing packages, sponsors, speakers, tracks, sessions, and tabs for microsite will be created. Soon we’ll implement the ability to clone such events and change anything you need.

Event Budgets and Expenses

We keep improving our products and expanding the range of their functionality to provide you with the best solutions for your business.

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