AC Ideas Enterprise Updates

Our team never stops improving our apps and striving to make them more convenient for our customers to use.  So this time we will take a look at the updated AC Ideas Enterprise which now has some new features and some fixed functionalities.

Limit votes per Idea

You can now limit votes per one idea for all the users belonging to the same account and define how many users from one account can vote for each idea. 

This feature helps to make different organizations more equal regardless of the number of community members that they have. There could be a situation where organizations with a large number of users could vote for the same idea and make the idea scoring distorted so restricting the number of votes per organization would make each client equal in terms of voting power.

Salesforce Ideas Management

When the votes limit is reached, a community user will not see the upvote and downvote buttons – only the vote score.

Salesforce Ideas Management

Disable comments editing

By default, users are able to edit their comments any time. In our previous release, users could only  edit their comments within 10 minutes after they posted them. Now you can disable users to edit their own comments. 

Fixed related ideas list

Previously the related list component did not notify users if similar ideas weren’t found. Now in this case users will see the message “Related ideas not found”.

Salesforce Ideas Management

Fixed category choosing picklist 

Previously it was complicated to scroll the values list if you use multiple picklists for idea posting. 

Fixed custom field sets 

Previously an error message appeared if a user had only Read access to the fields from the custom field set.

Data Categories in Salesforce Knowledge

Salesforce Knowledge is a product that was created to store and manage articles and documentation.

Data categories in Salesforce Knowledge are used to logically separate articles and to filter the knowledge base.

As a support agent or administrator, you can categorise all the data you have and use filtering to quickly access the information you need.

As a user, you will be able to easily browse the information and find the articles that will help to solve your problem.

What Data Categories in Salesforce Knowledge is

You can create a categories hierarchy with up to three data categories groups.

Each data category group can contain a five-level hierarchy with parent and child knowledge categories.

So your knowledge base will be logically structured and intuitive for users. It is possible to assign several categories in different groups to one article or not to assign any at all. 

data categories in Salesforce knowledge

How to create a Data Categories in Salesforce

In order to create a data category group, go to:

  • Setup -> Data Category Setup -> New -> enter the name of the group -> description is optional -> click Save.
Data Category Setup

Now you can add categories to the group:

  • Enter the name of category -> click Add
Enter the name of category

Once you created the parent category you can add the child category:

  • Click Actions button on the parent category -> choose Add Child Category -> click Add -> click Save.
Actions button on the parent category

Default Data Categories Visibility settings

You can manage access to the knowledge base using Data Category Visibility settings. Control what information will be displayed for users using default category group visibility. There are three variations of visibility: all categories, none, and custom.

In the first case, all categories will be visible for the user, in the second, no categories will be visible, and in the third, you can specify what categories the user will see.

If you haven’t assigned any of the categories, the user will see only uncategorised articles.

Category group visibility

Data Category Visibility on the profile level

It is also possible to set up visibility of Data Categories using profiles or permission sets.

This means that you can specify for each profile what articles from which category users with this profile will see and what articles will not be available to them. 

Go to the Setup -> Profiles -> choose the appropriate profile -> Data Category Visibility -> set up visibility of Data categories specifically for this profile.

set up visibility of data categories specifically for this profile

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    Support for Data Categories Salesforce Experience Cloud

    Out of the box, Data Categories are not available on the Experience Sites. However, it is possible to map  Data Categories to Chatter Topics and use Chatter Topics to navigate and filter Knowledge articles along with the discussions on Community but this is not always an ideal solution.

    This lack of support for Data Categories on Experience Cloud may be inconvenient for some Experience Cloud users.

    That is why we at Advanced Communities created our custom component AC Knowledge Management Enterprise which is native to Lightning, supports filtering by data categories and article types, enables users to create articles right from the community, and has advanced navigation.

    Here you can learn more about our product and try it.

    AC Knowledge Management Enterprise

    see product details

    AC Knowledge Management Enterprise Product Sheet

    Download the fact sheet now to explore:
    • Key features – See how AC Knowledge Management Enterprise empowers your support team.
    • Benefits – Understand the value it brings to your customers.
    • Real results – See the impact AC Knowledge Management Enterprise can have on your organization.

    Complete the form to get your free copy.



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    AC Ideas Ultimate Product Sheet

    Download the fact sheet now to explore how AC Ideas Ultimate helps you:
    • Capture – Easily collect ideas from customers, team members, and stakeholders.
    • Evaluate – Use built-in tools to score, prioritize, and review ideas based on custom criteria.
    • Implement – Track progress, convert cases into ideas, and turn the best ideas into actionable projects.

    Complete the form to get your free copy.



    By submitting this form, you agree to occasionally receive guides, tips, and tricks from AC. You can unsubscribe at any time.  


    AC MemberSmart Product Sheet

    Download the fact sheet now to explore:
    • Key features – See how AC MemberSmart empowers your team.
    • Benefits – Understand the value it brings to your members.
    • Real results – See the impact AC MemberSmart can have on your organization.

    Complete the form to get your free copy.



    By submitting this form, you agree to occasionally receive guides, tips, and tricks from AC. You can unsubscribe at any time.  


    AC Events Enterprise Product Sheet

    Download the fact sheet now to explore:
    • Key features – Learn how AC Events Enterprise automates registration, marketing, and analytics.
    • Benefits – Learn how it improves attendee satisfaction and helps your event shine.
    • Proven results – See how the app transforms your event outcomes.

    Complete the form to get your free copy.



    By submitting this form, you agree to occasionally receive guides, tips, and tricks from AC. You can unsubscribe at any time.  



    Strategies from the experts

    Thursday , Sep 12, 2024 at 04:00 PM GMT
    Location: Zoom